Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cry is a weak people ??

When i was been strong for a long time,i know that i will be cry at anytime when it reach limit .
I using smile to cover all the sadness,smile infront of people after being scold by people .
I crying at the middle night for those small thing, those people .
U ,one of those i'm crying for ,thingking of at middle of the night,those question u asking for many and many times,but did u know,when the time u r asking,u didt give me a respon oso,i given up about that.
U,r always the one inside the deep side of my heart, u r the one who make me thinking a stupid question for few years,u r the one who tough my heart n go for few time ,i dont know what u thinking of,but i know u know me well,i oso know u well ,but u r hiding urself ,no giving me a chance when i needed,sorry then i leave u,i couldt let another people who apreciate me go,but u will always in the deep of my heart

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